Center for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Striving to achieve our Quality World better

Advancing the work of Dr William Glasser

William GlasserThe Center for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy aims to advance Dr William Glasser’s work and to make it practical and relevant to individuals and organizations. Therefore, the Center will educate anyone interested to know and apply Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, by conducting short courses, workshops, seminars, conferences and certifications courses.

Dr. Glasser’s approach is considered non-traditional. He does not subscribe to the concept of mental illness unless there is something naturally wrong with the brain that can be confirmed by a pathologist. He believes that we are all social creatures and we need each other. The cause of almost all psychological symptoms is our inability to get along with people who are considered important in our lives.

Through the Institute for Reality Therapy which he founded in 1967, he taught people how to apply his ideas in their lives. They have discovered that by using choice theory, their personal relationships have improved as well.

Center for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy will endeavor to not only teach people how to apply it into their lives, but also to provide the platforms for application – by way of supporting certified CTRT practitioners to teach and or practice CTRT; at the same time, assist non-believers of CTRT to experience Dr Glasser’s ideas being applied into their lives – by way of education and or therapy. For those who wish to adopt the ideas into their lives, may even consider being coached in the CTRT way to achieve a QUALITY life.

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