Center for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Striving to achieve our Quality World better

Get Happier Project (Intro) by Ivan Honey, 25th May 2015, Monday

Get Happier Program 2

The Get Happier Project has been designed for use in individual classrooms, one- on- one student counselling, teaching Social and Emotional skills, and as a framework for a whole school approach to mental health, well-being and behaviour management.

Senior Faculty Member from the William Glasser Institute, Advisory Board Member, Psychologist and Author, Ivan Honey, will be walking with us through the use of the newly developed “Get Happier Project” toolbox, and the various programs that can be run with it.

Get Happier Tool BoxPrograms

    1. Doug Dragster’s Get Happier Project for Early Years (5-7 years old)
    2. Doug Dragster’s Get Happier Project for Lower Primary School Students (7-10 years old)
    3. Doug Dragster’s Get Happier Project for Upper Primary and Lower Secondary School Students (10-13 years old)
    4. Doug Dragster’s Get Happier Project for Wellness Support Personnel (psychologists, counselors, well-being coordinators, teachers, practitioners)

This session is targeted at Educational and Counseling Psychologists, School Counselors, Well-Being Coordinators and Teachers… but ALL are welcome! It is only an introductory session.

Those who wish to conduct the above programs (1-3) need to obtain Ivan’s written permission first before being able to conduct. Training and supervision are also required (4). Come and find out more.

25th May 2015, Monday

Center for Competency Based and Learning Development
(take lift from lobby B to 5 level, and come down to level 4)
Waterloo Centre, 261 Waterloo Street, #04-36
Singapore 180261

6pm – 9.30pm

$39.50RegisterGet Happier People